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employment law
Understanding the ADA: Ensuring Equal Opportunity in Your Workplace
The Floyd Law Firm PC is committed to helping both employers and employees understand and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The EEOC advances opportunity in the workplace by enforcing federal laws prohibiting employ­ment discrimination. The EEOC’s Increased Scrutiny of Qualification Standards The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) consistently reviews and takes a...
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Employers must be wary of using AI as a job-screening tool
In the ever-evolving landscape of employment practices, the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a job-screening tool has become increasingly prevalent. While AI offers efficiency and objectivity, it comes with inherent risks, particularly in terms of unintentional biases and legal consequences. At The Floyd Law Firm PC, we believe in empowering businesses with the knowledge...
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Immigration & Employment Law – Ensuring Compliance in the Workplace
Manufacturing businesses, food producers, and construction industries have frequently experienced labor shortages – resulting in employers having to seek out alternative sources to find workers. The recruitment and hiring of foreign nationals has always been in practice for larger industries, as it is often a necessary resource for employers in states where it’s been difficult...
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COVID-19 and Employers: Businesses reopening face new hurdles
The coronavirus pandemic has dramatically impacted the majority of employers in our country. Every workplace had their normal operations affected in a multitude of ways. As of today, states are still in various stages of their phased reopening plans – and many employers are planning to bring employees back to the physical workplace or have...
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Legal Sen$e - The Floyd Law Firm PC
The majority of employers in our country had their normal operations dramatically impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic this year. Every workplace was affected in a multitude of ways – one of the largest sudden adjustments was the increase in employees having to work remotely from home. If your employees have been working from home, there...
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Legal Sen$e - The Floyd Law Firm PC
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